Brasenose College Submission Portal

Brasenose College Submission Portal

Application for a Brasenose Mini Bursary - Academic Year 24/25

The College provides mini bursaries to students in financial hardship. If you think you are in financial hardship please complete the application form and press submit. Applications are open to any student of Brasenose studying any subject.

Your BNC email address will be in the format

Student Type

Are you in need of Financial Assistance?
By answering ‘yes’ you are making a declaration to the College that you are struggling financially and are in need of Financial Assistance. Only students who are in Financial hardship are eligible for a Brasenose Mini Bursary.
Have you already applied for a Mini Bursary in this academic year?

Are you requesting support to pay your University fees?

Are you in receipt of a CEESB or in the process of applying for this?
CEESB = Care Experienced or Estranged Student Bursary

Please upload evidence of your application (if applicable)

Drag and drop files here or select files...

    Please answer yes or no and provide a short description of the source
    Is your household income less than £80,000 and has your income been assessed by the funding body?
    If your household income is less than £80,000 you are eligible for a Brasenose Mini Bursary. If your household income is unknown or over £80,000 you may be eligible for a Brasenose Mini Bursary.

    Your description can be short but please provide enough detail for the committee to understand why you have a financial shortfall. If your circumstances have changed since you started your course please explain the change.

    In the next section you will need to state your annual financial shortfall. 

    Your shortfall should be calculated by subtracting your annuals costs from your annual income.

    You will need to submit the workings for your calculated financial shortfall - you may use our Excel template or your own calculation template.

    Please see the paragraph above on how to calculate your shortfall

    You may use the excel template provided above, or your own calculation template.

    Drag and drop files here or select files...

      Upload your most recent bank statement here

      Drag and drop files here or select files...

        I declare the information provided to be true and correct. If it is later found that information has been provided falsely any award will be repayable.